Singapore company registration

Although the corporate tax rate remains at 17%, the company has a tax exemption plan to help reduce the overall effective corporate tax rate.

Preferential policies

The maximum corporate income tax is 17%, Avoidance of Double Taxation,Stable currency, no foreign exchange control,An important financial center The world's leading companies have long regarded Singapore as he center of the Asian market

Tax exemption scheme for new companies

Any eligible newly incorporated company (as described below) is entitled to the annual tax assessment of tax exemption for the first three years.

  • Tax exemption scheme for new companies

    The company will be entitled to partial tax exemption indefinitely in its fourth tax assessment year and all other companies.

    Effective tax rate of taxable income (SGD) after 2020: first $100004.25%, next $1900008.5% and then 17%

  • Details of registered companies

    Documents provided by the registered company: (see other documents for details) Registration documents

    Copies of ID cards and passports of all shareholders and directors

    Company name

    Business nature of the company

    Registered capital, total share capital and other information

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